Cara Cara Orange Rosemary Marmalade

Cara Cara Orange Marmalade; an essential tangy sweet spread with a delightful texture. The burst of its distinctive citrus flavour enhances any breakfast or teatime treat.

Cara Cara Orange Rosemary Marmalade

Cara Cara Orange Marmalade; an essential tangy sweet spread with a delightful texture. The burst of its distinctive citrus flavour enhances any breakfast or teatime treat.

Serves 2
Total Time 1 hour
Sunkist® Cara Cara oranges 5
Granulated sugar 3 1/2 cups
Water 3 cups
Lemon juice and zest
Chopped rosemary leaves 2 tablespoons
Cooking Method
Step 01
Slice each orange into eight parts.
Step 02
Combine the ingredients into a sauce pot, then cook at a low boil.
Step 03
Scrape down the sides of the pot periodically.
Step 04
It will become syrup after 30 minutes to one hour.
Step 05
Scoop a little mixture onto a cold plate and refrigerate for five minutes. The marmalade should then have a gel-like texture.
Step 06
Remove the pot from heat and let cool.
Step 07
Fill the mixture into a sterilised glass jar.